Thank you, Joan de la Haye, for bestowing a Butterfly Award to the Silver Rush Mysteries blog! Like Joan, I'm pretty new to all this. Here's hoping I do this right. Joan had some information and instructions on her blog, so this is what it's all about (in Joan's words):
This is a ‘meme’ award (what ever that means), but who cares. It’s fun and it’s sweet. [! I agree! AP] So, the rules for passing it along are 1. Put the logo on your blog. 2. Add a link to the person who awarded you. 3. Award up to ten other blogs. 4. Add links to those blogs on yours. 5. Leave a message for your awardees on their blogs.
Okay, I decided to set some personal guidelines for passing this award along (so as to not have to consider every blog in the Universe and Beyond). So, all my awardees are blogs that are engaged in the Blog Book Tour's blog-a-day challenge for January.
And I'm passing the baton, er, butterfly on to:
Go forth and check out these blogs, if you haven't had a chance to . . .
Congratulations! This is one of the more beautifully done awards I've seen going around. Got one up at Free Spirit blog also.
Hi Ann,
Thanks for including me in your drumroll! I hope to get all those action items done before I head to Mexico Saturday, but some require me to learn some new things! I think you're learning them faster than I am! We'll see if I can catch up. :)
Congratulations Ann and thank you for adding me to your list after you posted. I'm excited! This is the first award my new blog has received.
follow me on twitter: http://twitter.com/JOYPublishing
Hey, thanks Marvin, Beth, and Joy! I agree that the award is beautifully designed. I'm wondering if I dare post it someplace a little more permanent, under my photo or something. I'll have to look around and see what other folks do with these things.
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