This map of Leadville, 1880, was created by Michael Greer, Greer Studios, for my Silver Rush series. Isn't it just the coolest thing?? I tried to make it larger in this post, but don't have the technical knowhow. Anyway, I love this map, and am scheming various ways to put it to use. My hope is, it could be included in Leaden Skies. Dani suggested bookplates, which I think is an absolutely nifty idea.
Anyone else think of things I could do with this? Maybe placemats to give away. Or put it on bookmarks. Or postcards. Or . . .
Really cool map! Bookmarks would be great, also maybe a logo fixture on the front or back covers of all the books in the series?
Oooh, I love maps! I would love to see a webpage with the map, with live links for various happenings in your books. Or teaser excerpts. Could be a lot of fun!
I'm learning about CafePress. Lots of merchandise over there. You can do one jpg, like a bookcover, for free. And I hear it's not rocket science. Here's an example:
Upgraded accounts can do more.
I love the typography on that map.
What fun! I'm not sure but you might be able to use www.picnik.com (free) to make your image larger and smaller. I know you can do just about anything with photos on that site, but I'm not sure about images.
I'm a great fan of maps in mysteries, and this is a really good one. And I'll be getting round to adding your blog to my blogroll today.
Hello all, and wow, thanks for all your comments and suggestions! I will definitely add the map to my website. Gotta talk to my webmistress about that. Hmmm... and I love the idea of linking to various happenings. Such as "Joe Rose's body found here" for SILVER LIES. Would have to be careful not to include any spoilers, though! :-)
I'll check out CafePress, and picnik. CafePress I've heard of, but not picnik. And Christina, I too love the typography. I owe it all to Michael Greer, who rec'd no direction from me (indeed, I was in such a scramble on other things that I pretty much left all of it, including coming up with the appearance of the Silver Queen saloon, to whatever he thought best!). I have to say, I'm so pleased with the results. Michael Greer, you rock!
And helloooo Martin! Great to see another PPP posse member wander by. And thanks for adding me to your blogroll!
Whoops! I have no idea how to "edit" a comment. I wanted to add that folks should check out Martin Edwards' blog, "Do You Write Under Your Own Name?"
He has a very interesting post up top right now, "Blogs and Inspiration."
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