Hmmm. Wonder if there were any copies of Iron Ties or Silver Lies in that huge stack o' books?
Okay, the science/technical writer part of my brain just can't leave it at that. I had to calculate how tall a stack of books that might be, if they were stacked up like the little image to the left. Let's assume each book is about one inch thick. That's 43,000 inches, which is 3,583 feet, which is . . . holy guacamole . . . about 2/3 of a mile (0.678655 mile to be precise, which would be a skyscraper of about 358 stories tall, assuming a story is 10 feet).
That's a whole lot of books!
Hurray for the Press!
That's brilliant! Good for them. And don't forget there's also SSP (shameless self promotion).
Joan De La Haye
That conjures up quite the picture!
Good for Poisoned Pen - maybe some other publishers will follow their lead. Your example of what that number of books equates to was excellent.
Jane Kennedy Sutton
Forty-three THOUSAND books? That's a spicy meatball! For generosity like that, your publisher certainly deserves to be recognized!
Quite a pile of books, no? And PPP does hardcovers and tradepaper, so these are hefty books. Hmm. I wonder how much all those books weigh...
Must. Resist. Doing. The Calculation.
This is GREAT! I will be sure to support them more in the future. Reading through one of the Poison Pen mysteries for review now. It is a LOT of fun.
WOW! Pretty cool stuff! Go, PPPress!
Way to go Poisoned Pen Press! What an incredibly generous thing to do.
Joy Delgado
follow me on twitter: http://twitter.com/JOYPublishing
I'm laughing, because before I read the whole post, I was calculating in my head how many shelves those books would take.=)
But what a great thing for them to do.
Hey Ann, from one technical writer to another, I don't think you can express that calculation with such precision. If one of your factors is "about an inch," you can't extrapolate from there to a precise 0.678655 mile.
Am I taking this too seriously? (Nah, I'm teasing.)
I've heard good things about PPP, and your blog is a good one.
Bob Sanchez
Just checking up on the blog-a-day challengers and handing our congrats for surviving the challenge:-)
Glad to see others cheering for the Press. And yes, Bob, you're right... such precision is unwarranted. I got carried away by the inherent beauty of the numbers. ;-)
That is fabulous, Ann. I bragged about them on Twitter today!
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