Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Wednesday's Random Slang-o-rama: Galluptious

I have galluptious news to share with you! The news being...

.... Well, let's define galluptious first.

According to Merriam-Webster Online, galluptious (or less commonly spelled galoptious or galuptious) means "wonderful, delightful, delicious." Take your pick. I think I'll go with "wonderful" this time around. I don't see a whole lot more about this word, so will proceed directly to the news:

The Secret in the Wall is a finalist for the Will Rogers Medallion Award in the Western Mystery category, which is galluptiously delightful indeed! I am honored beyond words...

More will be revealed at the Award Ceremony on October 21. You can view all the finalists in all the categories right here.


  1. I am so pleased for you. Congratulations! That's fabulous!

  2. Galuptious news indeed!

  3. Very cool. Congratulations! How's the next book coming along? ~ N.S.

  4. Hello LJ! Thank you, and thanks for commenting on my post... :-D

  5. Hello Anonymous! One "l" or two, they both work.... And thank you! :-D

  6. Hi Dani! Thank ya muchly. And to answer your question... well, it's a mystery. ;-)

  7. Congratulations, Ann!

  8. Gee…I assumed you would recognize me!

  9. Hello Anonymous! There are not enough clues to ascertain your identity... ;-)

  10. Congratulations, Ann—yet another award! We’ll be reading your book for October 24 Book 📕 Club in Florida!

    1. Oops sorry—I thought my name would show up—It’s Nannette’s comment about the book 📕 club.
      Nannette Rundle Carroll

  11. Ah! Hi Nannette! Good to hear from you!
    Not sure why you come across as "Anonymous," but thank you for clearing up the mystery... :-)
    I hope your club enjoys the book. If you/your club would like bookmarks, award stickers (for personal copies), etc., just shoot me an email and let me know, and I'll mail them to you.
