Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Wednesday's Random Slang-o-rama: Pull out all the stops (and, yes, music)

We are now in the thick of the winter celebratory season. Do you like to curl up and quietly meditate and hibernate at this time, or are you someone who pulls out all the stops and parties nonstop?

Speaking of pulling out the stops...

The American Heritage Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer has this to say about the phrase:

pull out all the stops: Use all the resources or force at one's disposal... This term comes from organ-playing, where it means "bring into play every rank of pipes," thereby creating the fullest possible sound. It has been used figuratively since about 1860.

But why use it figuratively, when we can go with a literal musical compilation of Christmas-themed organ music? So, here you go, courtesy of Christ Church Cathedral in Oxford (England): 45 minutes of Christmas Organ Music from December 16, 2020.

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