Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Wednesday's Random Slang-o-rama: Allotriophagy (and a dose of what's coming up... so to speak)

If you've been following me for a while, you may know I'm galloping along through a Great Escapes virtual book tour (February 15–28) for the newest book in my Silver Rush series, THE SECRET IN THE WALL. Heads up: The tour includes a raffle, in which I'll be giving away copies of the book and Starbucks gift cards. You can enter the raffle on any of the stops, or on the main page of the tour, through the 28th. 

Speaking of Starbucks....

... In an interview I did for the Cozy Up With Kathy blog site, I bumped up against a question that was new to me: "Name 4 items you always have in your fridge or pantry."

I readily confess I lean heavily on coffee and eatables at the "snackety-snacks" end of the food spectrum. My dependence on snack items to get me through the day now has me wondering if I suffer a bit from allotriophagy.

This alarming 19th-century word is defined in The Little Book of Lost Words by Joe Gillard as "a strong urge or desire to eat food that is abnormal or unhealthy." Now, I don't think my particular cravings are "abnormal"—I don't have an urge to ingest baking soda, for instance, or dishwashing liquid (yuck!), examples given by the Psychology Dictionary for allotriophagy. Still, maybe I should keep a closer eye on my afternoon potato-chip binges...


... In the meantime, I want to let you know that I'll be speaking with mystery author Donis Casey about my newest book in a Poisoned Pen Bookstore virtual event on Monday, February 28, 4:30 p.m. Pacific Time. Everyone and anyone is invited! The links are as follows (note that you don't need to be a "FaceBookie" to watch; there's a YouTube alternative):

If you're curious to hear me chat about my book (and maybe witness my cat take a stroll across my desk in front the camera), please join us!

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