Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Wednesday's Random Slang-o-rama: Latibulate

For this week's Slang-o-rama offering, I yearned to highlight a really obscure word. The Little Book of Lost Words by Joe Gillard did not let me down.


Any guesses as to what it means? (No peeking! No Googling!)

Allow me to enlighten you (or rather, we'll let Gillard do that): Latibulate is a 17th century English word that means "to hide in a corner." What a cool word, right?? 

I spot a little latibulation goin' on...
The Eavesdropper by Jean Carolus (1880) - Sotheby's New York, Public Domain,

I dug around online... and, wow, obscure I wanted, and obscure I got. Slang Define notes this is "among a group of words with the root latib, all used to describe the action or place of hiding." A group of words? I can't even think of one. So, I explored a little more. A Way with Words provides some insight with a post on latibulum that says:

The Latin word latibulum means a "refuge or hiding place of animals." It derives from the same root that gives us the English word latent, meaning "hidden." A 17th-century dictionary defines the now-rare English word latibulate as "privily to hide oneself in a corner."

A little more was revealed in this pandemic-lockdown era post from Writing Redux. This was about all I could find, EXCEPT there is a very short (and rather catchy) song by Scotland singer/songwriter Adam Donaldson titled "Latibulate" (!!) which you can hear (and watch) below. Maybe this word is getting ready to step out of obscurity, eh?

(Privily, I shall latibulate now.)