Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Wednesday's Random Slang-o-rama: Ramfeezled

 Ramfeezled is a perfect accompaniment for last week's asleep at the switch, because one can lead to another soooo easily.

Baffled by ramfeezled? Allow me to elucidate...


According to The Little Book of Lost Words by Joe Gillard, ramfeezled is an 18th century adjective meaning "exhausted from a hard day of work." Oh yeah. I can relate from here, in the 21st century.

Ramfeezled also shows up on the site Word of the Day, with a note that it is chiefly Scottish, with earliest use in Robert Burns' work.

Portrait of Juliette Courbet as a Sleeping Child
by Gustave Courbet (1841)

But where in Robert Burns' oeuvre does it appear? Let's see what we can find. 

It happens that the first ramfeelzed I bumped into was in a posthumous collection of letters, not from Burns, but from William Cowper (another poet!) in a letter dated 1787. A post by Jim Dee tracks ramfeezled in Robert Burns' "Second Epistle to J. Lapriak" (from April 21, 1785) and even includes a link to the poem. The word appears in line 13, in which Burns seems to be talking about his lazy and, well, overworked Muse:

My awkart Muse sair pleads and begs 
I would na write.
The tapetless, ramfeezl’d hizzie, 
She’s saft at best an’ something lazy

The passage includes some other word-ly delights, including hizzie. But I'll save that for another day, because I'm frankly ramfeezled at this point.

The Diva Miss Mia demonstrates ramfeezlement. 


  1. "Ramfeezled" is a pose assumed by pets, particularly dogs, displayed whenever people return home. Used to solicit treats. You've posted a picture of your lpbely cat in full ramfeezled mode.

  2. Hi Liz! Ah! I have the perfect picture of "the Diva." I think I'll add it to the post. Thank you for the suggestion!
